In 2006, My mom told me that I should get a real job!
I am a product designer and love “handmade craft”. I started my business in 2006 which was pretty much just "me" and "my sister" as a helper (she is my free labor and my supporter), and I started with only one customer from France. Since then, I have been designing many brands for many customers worldwide.
In 2010, started SUNNE LLC
I must admit that I was quite clueless how to start my own company and mostly we made customers’ branding. It is certainly NOT EASY to be a small business in USA.
In 2011, My husband told me that I should get a real job!
I am not sure if my husband has been talking to my mom? I was struggling to make it work. Beside my sister, I have my cousin and friends on board and all independent work together so no labor union, no boss and no clue lol. I (we) mostly design and make customers’ brand(s).

Initially, we made masks because we want to keep our small business running. We keep adding new designs because our designer team(s) are restless. I personally do not like to wear mask, but most of all I do not want to wear mask that make me look like I wear DIAPER on my face, lol.
However, we are NOT A MASK COMPANY, we are a handmade gifts and handicrafts company.
In 2012, branding by accident. Often, small boutique sellers have no brand and they can’t afford to mass print 50,000 hang-tag, 1,000 box or brand label, so they asked me if I can makeup hang-tag label for anyone to use (make up brand for my re-sellers). Initially, I made up brand as I go and later, I decided to register as TRADEMARK. I do not think we emphasized our trademark as much since our designs are unique to unusual already. I am still making other people brands and happy to custom order for any brands.
Sunne Tropical designs and products are about design freedom and expression. I hope you like some of our FUN, Unique to UNUSUAL product ideas.
Thank you for supporting small business.
Products photos and video are produced and copyright by sunne LLC. Model photos either with model released or purchased royalty free photos licensed from www.canstockphoto.com , www.stockphotosecrets.com as well as www.shutterstock.com